Maquiagem e charme blog segunda-feira, vol. 709

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excelente pergunta! Não é, em oposição ao seu nome, uma pesquisa real, como com pequenos botões de clicky. É apenas uma lista de perguntas muito mais ou menos aleatórias que postei neste blog toda segunda-feira de manhã para os últimos quadrentos anos (desde 2007).

1. how do you like your coffee?

Smooth and not too bitter, and served with a good amount warm, frothy whole milk or a splash of half and half. in some cases with a spoonful of sugar, in some cases without.

2. What outfit are you currently wearing?

I’m still in my pajamas! Zella joggers (LOVE THEM) and an old tee with the words “Lake Tahoe” on the front. I also have a black sweatshirt on, too. Está frio hoje!


3. What’s your favorite new year’s tradition?

Opening the front door best at midnight to let all the good luck into the house. It’s a Filipino thang!

4. What are you wishing for in the new year?

Honestly, less tension and less worry. I can’t take much much more in either category.

5. A hairstyle that suits you well?

Anything past my shoulders and layered seems to typically work for me. The layers have to be done specifically for wavy hair, though.


Gatos e moletom com maquiagem ??

US $ 42.

Compre agora

6. one of your greatest accomplishments this year?

I got a new writing job! It was always my plan to go back into the professional/corporate world when Connor started kindergarten, and I made it happen in the fall. It’s one thing that I’m very happy of (side note: I’m trying to break the practice of reducing my accomplishments).

7. chocolate chip cookies: chewy or crisp?

Oh, girlfriend… Those cookies better be chewy!

8. Something you don’t need but would love?

Umm, new windows? Mine are the original ones that came with the house when it was made in the ’70s. new ones would be great!

9. Peach, pink or plum blush?

Peach with hint of coral, please!

Seu viciado amigável de charme de bairro,



P.S. Aqui estão as perguntas para copiar / colar com suas respostas em um comentário. fale com você em breve.

1. how do you like your coffee?
2. What outfit are you currently wearing?
3. What’s your favorite new year’s tradition?
4. What are you wishing for in the new year?
5. A hairstyle that suits you well?
6. one of your greatest accomplishments this year?
7. chocolate chip cookies: chewy or crisp?
8. Something you don’t need but would love?
9. Peach, pink or plum blush?

P.p.s. bom Dia meu amigo! It’s the last Monday of 2021, so let’s make it a good one, OK?

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